Customer Needs Are Priority Number One
The founders and key personnel of C.E.R.E.S. are former consultants / contractors with experience designing and executing remediation for the remediating soil and groundwater at sites. We understand our customers (i.e. consultants and contractors) goals and concerns. We work hard to anticipate your needs so you can rest easier and have greater confidence in achieving highest performance

Field Experience Delivered.
Turn key services are available to support consultant customers needs to conduct bench scale treatability batch studies or column studies, pilot trial design guidance or subcontracting and full scale guidance or subcontracting. Let us know how we can add more value to our services and help you succeed.


C.E.R.E.S. P-Sorb PFAS Water Treatment Technology

P-Sorb™ Granular Activated Carbon

P-Sorb™ is a virgin activated carbon (AC) produced from a rare coal utilizing a high temperature activation process under stringent quality control uniquely suited for sorption of PFAS, PFOA, & PFOS with sorption capacity of 100-110 mg/kg which which can achieve up to 100% higher sorption capacity, 50% longer column life, as much as 25% less mass to fill a column, and up to 35% less water flow-rate required for back washing compared to activated carbons offered by competitors. Activated carbon is an approved method for treating PFAS (ITRC 2023).

PSorb™ has a pore structure that has a substantially lower tendency to be fouled by other impurities in water, when compared to conventional coal and coconut-shell based alternatives.

CERES brings this technology to the market for soil and groundwater remediation applications to use as a standalone solution for PFAS compounds or in combination with other sequestration and reduction reagents including MTS®, organoclay, ZVI, Bacteria, TEAs or Donors to degrade or reduce many other contaminants of concern including heavy metals, chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), PAHs or other VOCs and SVOCs.  

Would you like a quote for your project or a sample of one of our zero valent iron products? We can help – 

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Spec Sheet

Benefits Include

  • Up to 100% sorption capacity for PFAS compounds compared to other activated carbons
  • Greater than 50% column life
  • Reduced changeouts and O&M COSTS $$$
  • up to 35% less water for backwashing
  • Up to 25% less GAC required per vessel due to lower density

WT Applications

  • Municipal Water Treatment
  • Water Purification
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Groundwater Remediation Systems

Granular Activated Carbon Specifications

8×30: 600 µ- 2,400µ

12×40: 1,700µ – 420µ

Moisture: <5%

Color: black

Material Composition

99% Purity depending on grade

Fine Powder to coarse grain size available

Highly reactive

Density: 0.40 g/cm3

Surface area: 950- 1,000 m2/g

Looking for Rapid Small Scale Testing or other Support?

When working with CERES, you are not just buying an off the shelf product, you are getting a product we engineered for your specific application! We can modify our products to your needs to achieve higher performance and optimization. Reach out to us and lets see how we can help you improve operations, reduce costs, improve relaibility and reduce discharge exceedance risks or fines. 

Spec Sheet

Spec Sheet

Spec Sheet

Technical design support, references, papers, and reliable customer service available to all customers.


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